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A Group of Arab and International Experts in the Service of the Environment By Mohamed KOUBAA Advisor Tel:+966 55 68 36 438 E
A Group of Arab and International
Experts in the Service of the Environment
Mohamed KOUBAA
Tel:+966 55 68 36 438
- Project Introduction
The concern over the environment is now considered a priority task for different countries, particularly Arab and African countries, in view of the major constraints on the environment caused by enhanced environmental degradation and a disregard of its inherent dangers to human health. Current state of the environment led many states to recognize the importance of the action towards attaining an environmental balance that would conserve the earth.
Environmental service and development in Arab and African regions noted a change in recent years with focus on strategies for spreading environmental awareness and education. This was in part a result of the increased interest on environmental issues and problems at the international, regional and country levels.
Arab and African countries, in their current developing phase, need urgently the enhancement of environmental awareness and education among their community sector groups.
- 2. Our viewpoint
The AIOC has a clear vision on the execution of many environmental projects, on different stages, to achieve sustainable
development and to raise the level of environmental awareness and education among Arab and African communities. AIOC shall attempt to establish cooperation and work arrangements with different environmental instruments, bodies, ministries, institutions and the relevant programmes that concern the environment and development, in order to achieve its objectives.
AIOC hall be geared up to participate in Arab Afro and International programmes that concern the environment, through strategic monitoring of local , regional and international environmental issues, as an effective tool to mobilize communities’ awareness in those countries towards environmental issues, particularly among youth volunteers for environmental functions and the participation in environmental awareness campaigns in different regions through the programme,”environment without borders”, to be established by AIUE as a new model for regional campaigning in the field of environmental awareness.
To achieve that objective, seeks AIOC to establish partnerships with states , governmental and non-government bodies and institutions, specialized scientific associations and other national associations in the framework of the programmes and projects to be taken in the future.
Article 1: AIUE Objectives
Firstly: short-term objectives:
- The establishment of Arab network grouping, containing Arab associations , members only of the founders and supporters of AIOC, and this network containing the guide of Arab associations, organizations, corporations , environmental centers and different international organizations, governmental or non-governmental and other instruments related to the environmental cooperation;
- The establishment of Arab network grouping , containing Arab experts of AIOC founders and giving the guide of Arab experts compiled on the bases of specialization;
- The establishment of Arab African European network, containing the guide of experts, partners, institutions and donor organizations and all the regional and international instruments related to international cooperation,
secondly: Long-term objectives.
AIOC long-term objectives and concerns shall include:
- Reviewal of Arab regulations concerned with environmental protection to ensure its agreement with the requirements of international conventions on environmental protection;
- Assist official authorities in Arab and African countries in meeting the provisions of environment agreements;
- To place national Arab and African strategy to safeguard the environment and to work on its implementation;
- Take up procedures adequate to investigate the complaints and notifications received from national non-governmental organizations and individuals about some incorrect practices undertaken in the field of environmental protection;
- Raise the level of environmental awareness in the field of environmental awareness through holding of workshops, conferences , meetings , discussion forums over environmental activities and its safeguarding in Arab and African countries in accordance with local regulations and interim applicable agreements in that field;
- Exchange annual reports issued by Arab and African states over environmental protection activities;
- Cement cooperation between Arab, African and European countries, as well as regional and international organizations concerned with environmental activities , to achieve a balance between human requirements and natural environmental resources, the exchange of expertise and experimentations;
- To work for the development of cooperation between Arab, African and European countries in various fields of the environment, the Trio-Cooperation, through the European Union , cooperating with all environmental initiatives and projects, in the framework of the partnership and benefiting from financial and technological support;
- Cooperate with regional and international organizations concerned with the environment as well as donor bodies to support research and application projects in safeguarding the environment in Arab and African countries; and
- The holding of training workshops for staff engaged in environmental protection services, with the objective of building technical staff capable of working with high efficiency in that field.
Article 2: Environmental Cooperation Tools
The establishment of environmental database means the provision of accurate information and the readiness of its accession is a necessity for decision-makers, researchers, and study groups in different fields and specialties, including media workers: writers, editors and others. Some Arab and African countries realized early this fact in the environment field, thus designating, “national centers for environmental data”, to be the specialized bodies within the organizational structure of the latest scientifically and technologically developed methods and means. AIOC can benefit from these centers through:
- Global Pollution Network Database;
- Air and Sand Pollution Network Database;
- Environmental Awareness and Education Network Database;
- Environmental Media Network Database ;
- The Network for Experts, consultants and specialized lawyers;
- Environmental Financial Funding Tools Database ; and
- Corporations, associations , governmental and non-governmental database;
Article 3: AIUE Membership
Membership shall be further discussed by the first AIOC meeting, but shall include the following conditions:
- Citizenship of a Arab and African states with no consideration of current place of residency;
- Must have a general work experience;
- Must have a trust in AIOC mission and have the desire to fulfill its objectives.
AIUE membership shall be at the following levels:
a) Worker membership;
b) Associate membership;
c) Observer membership; and
d) Honorary membership.
Criteria of AIUE membership shall be discussed in AIUE first session.
Article 4: AIUE Constituent Bodies.
AIOC constituent bodies shall consist of the following:
1st Constituent Body : General Assembly
2nd Constituent Body : Management Council
3rd Constituent Body : General Secretariat
4th Constituent Body : Technical Panels.
AIOC shall , in its initial General Assembly session, write its convention setting down the terms of reference of each of its constituent body elect each bodies officers and working groups
Article 5: Financial resources and AIOC budget.
Financial resources of the AIOC shall consists of :
- Membership initial AIUE entry fee;
- Annual members’ contribution , to be decided by the General Assembly;
- Extra-budgetary resources in tariffs, gifts, donations and legacies, acceptable to the Management Council, and provided by Arab and African corporations, associations and individuals , with environmental
- concerns in heart or contributions received from other organizations that the General Assembly and the Management Council accept for services that AIUE renders or rendered;
- Budgetary resources requested by the Management Council to cover its requirements and approved by General Assembly.
Article 6: AIOC Scientific, Studies and Media Panels:
AIUE shall work on the formation of scientific, educational and media panels dealing with different functions of AIOC, to facilitate work between members.
Each Panel is to be chaired by a member designated by the Management Council and endorsed by the General Assembly.
The Panels and its field of action shall be as follows:
- The consultants’ Panel;
- Studies and Scientific Researchers’ Panel;
- Sustainable Development’s Panel;
- Islamic Perspective Environmental Panel;
- Air pollution Panel;
- Water Pollution Panel;
- Dust and Sand Pollution Panel;
- Sea Pollution Panel;
- Material and Toxic Waste Panel;
- Bio-diversity Panel;
- Environmental Tourism Panel;
- Environmental Awareness, Education and Media Panel;
- Communications , Media and Computer Network Panel;
- Environmental Regulation Panel;
- Environmental Training Panel;
- Environmental Funding Panel;
- International Cooperation Panel; and
- Panel for Holding Conferences, Training Workshops and Exhibitions,
The terms of reference of above AIOC Panels shall be drawn on the bases of provisions of international and regional conventions, supporting environmental protection, and shall be updated in order to comply with latest ISO quality management standards.
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Nos projets en cours
- Le premier Symposium Arabe –Internationale de la législation Environnementale Riyadh, 5-7 Juillet 2008, Arabie Saoudite
- Creation Reseau Arabe International de Partenariat Avec la participation de cabinets d`Avocats d`Affaires– Consultants et Experts
ARABE EUROPE PARTENERS GROUP S.A.R.L est un groupe d'acteurs Avocats d`Affaires, consultants et experts, opérant dans tous les domaines de Partenarial, Investissement, Environnement et la nouvelle technologie dans le but de porter des supports de productivité et surtout une culture du quoi faire et du comment trouver les solutions pour l es différentes questions d'ordre : industriel, et divers secteurs économiques et technologique afin de permettre à nos partenaires et clients de répondre aux exigences de la qualité imposée de plus en plus par la compétitivité et l'économie du marché. Notre société regroupe les filiales suivantes :
- Filiale partenariat
- Filiale investissement
- Filiale environnement
- Filiale formation
- Filiale ingénierie
- Filiale audit et conseil
- Filiale événementiel
La Filiale Partenariat
La Filiale Partenariat regroupe toutes les compétences opérant dans cette activité met la disposition de ses partenaires et clients :
- Un diagnostic en compétences pour l’identification des besoins en matière de partenariat
- L’élaboration des plans de mise en relation, recherche de partenaires,
- La réalisation des actions de partenariat dans tous les domaines économiques et technologiques
- L’évaluation des actions de partenariat.
- La mise à disposition permanente d`informations et données sur divers secteurs économiques notamment d'environnement.
- L'élaboration de projets de coopération et de joint-venture pour le compte des entreprises
- La recherche de partenaires arabes, africains, méditerranéens et européens .
La Filiale Investissement
La Filiale Investissement , met à la disposition des entreprises les compétences de nos cadres afin d’apporter des solutions et des propositions d`investissement conduisant à une meilleure rentabilité. Ainsi nous assurons :
Génie informatique et relationnel
- Conseils dans la recherche de partenaires potentiels.
- Conseiller en investissement et de financement par des instruments internationaux et européens.
- La mise en relation.
- La conception et la mise en œuvre des opportunités d`investissement .
- Des solutions adaptées au contexte des investisseurs.
Génie civil
- Etudes d’avant-projets
- Etudes d’exécution
- Suivi des projets de construction
Contrôle et expertises Aide a la réalisation de projets de partenariat.
La Filiale Environnement
La Filiale ENVIRONNEMNET accompagne les entreprises pour :
- Promotion et développement dans le domaine de l'Environnement d`ordre technologique, financière, juridique, social, etc.…
- Recherche, développement et introduction des nouvelles technologies de prévention et de traitement des problèmes de l`Environnement.
- Assistance pour les études d'investissement et la mise en place de financements .
- Le conseil juridique relatif au droit de l`Environnement et aux droits des affaires.
- L'organisation des programmes de formation intra entreprises, de courte durée dans le domaine de l'Environnement et les domaines rattachés tel que la Qualité et de la Sécurité.
- Organisation de forum –séminaires, salons spécialisée et autres manifestations liées l`objet de la société.
La Filiale Audit et Conseil
La Filiale Audit et Conseil accompagne les entreprises pour:
- La promotion de leurs produits
- L’élaboration des plans d’affaires
- Mise en place d'une stratégie de communication et marketing.
- -Les études de marketing et d'ingénierie
- Assistance à l'étude d'impact Assistance pour les études d'investissement et la mise en place de financements.
- Accompagnement d’entreprises pour la mise en place d’un Système Qualité
- Elaboration de manuels de procédures
- Développement d’un business plan
Et plus généralement, toutes opérations industrielles, commerciales, financières, mobilières, immobilières se rattachant directement ou indirectement à l'objet défini ou à tout autre objet similaire ou connexe.
Mohamed Koubaa
Chazelas Michel
Sandrine Muraro
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Copyright © 2008 Arabic Europeean Partners Group (AEPG) · Contact: Mohamed Koubaa
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